Les nouveau-nés et les jeunes enfants sont vulnérables aux maladies infectieuses et inflammatoires. Les différences entre les systèmes immunitaires du nouveau-né/jeune enfant et de l’adulte ne permettent pas le transfert des connaissances de l’adulte vers l’enfant, et empêchent une utilisation et application directe des stratégies préventives et thérapeutiques. Il est donc nécessaire d’accélérer la recherche immuno-pédiatrique pour mieux connaitre le développement et la maturation du système immunitaire dès le plus jeune âge et ainsi concevoir des immunothérapies et des vaccins adaptés à cette population.

Join the Immune Pediatric Club for an engaging discussion within a growing and dynamic network !


Latest NEWS

First international workshop Immuno-pediatric and Vaccinology clubs of the SFI

May 20, 2025 – L’École nationale vétérinaire d’Alfort (EnvA) Amphithéâtre Fragonard

Workshop summary

The immune system develops in utero and matures throughout childhood, influenced by microbial exposure, epigenetic reprogramming, and innate immune memory. Due to their immature immunity, infants respond less effectively to vaccines than older children and adults, making vaccination essential for protection.

Key differences between infant and adult immune systems limit the direct application of adult immunological strategies to children. Research in pediatric immunology is crucial to adapting vaccines and combating infectious diseases, particularly those with pandemic potential. The « One Health » approach highlights the need for a global perspective on human, animal, and environmental health to address emerging pathogens.

To advance this field, an international symposium on pediatric immunity and vaccinology will be held in France for the first time. Featuring renowned scientists, the event aims to foster discussions, share research, and promote new vaccines and therapies. It will also encourage collaboration between researchers, clinicians, young scientists, and parent associations.

The symposium, organized by the SFI’s “Immuno-Pediatrics and Vaccinology” clubs, will cover topics such as immune system maturation, new vaccines, One Health strategies, vaccination schedules, and pediatric research cohorts. This event will enhance the global visibility of French research in immunology and vaccinology while fostering innovation in pediatric healthcare.

Program : https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:EU:a380d353-d1a8-4cd8-a8b0-13836ff884a9

Organizing and Scientific Committee: Nabila Seddiki, Jean-Daniel Lelièvre, Anne-Sophie Beignon, Rami Bechara, Stéphane Paul, Claire Maëlle Fovet and Martin Larsen


Jeudis de la SFI – Pediatric Immunology Club
Join us for an insightful session on pediatric immunology, focusing on respiratory infections in young infants. This webinar will explore the unique challenges and complexities associated with immune responses in early childhood.

Organizing Committee: Nabila Seddiki, Rami Bechara, Claire Maëlle Fovet, Martin Larsen

🗓️ Thursday, November 14, 2024
🕒 Time: 13:00 to 14:30 (CET)
💻 Free registration: Register here


Deciphering the unique features of adaptive immunity in very young children: the case of SARS-CoV-2
Simon Fillatreau, PU-PH at Necker Hospital

RSV-pneumococcus association: can we untangle this complex relationship?
Naïm Ouldali, PU-PH at Robert Debré Hospital

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into pediatric immunology from leading experts!


Simon Fillatreau is a University Professor and Hospital Practitioner (PU-PH) at Necker Hospital. His research focuses on understanding adaptive immunity, including both effector and regulatory responses. He leads the « Immunity in Health and Disease » team at the Institut Necker Enfants Malades in Paris, France.



Naïm Ouldali is a University Professor and Hospital Practitioner (PU-PH) in the Department of General Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases at Robert Debré University Hospital, APHP. He leads an ATIP-Avenir team within the IAME unit, UMR 1137, at Paris Cité University, dedicated to pediatric respiratory infections, and has notably worked on evaluating prevention strategies for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and pneumococcal infections in children.



