To become SFI member, you must apply by completing the form below. (If you are already a member of the SFI and you have forgotten your login details or your email address is no longer valid, please do not fill in this form and contact the SFI secretariat).
Anyone involved in research or clinical practice can apply, students as soon as they graduate.
New members are eligible and their membership will be validated at the Annual General Meeting. Memberships are effective for the calendar year from January to December.

Membership fees are due until April 30, 2024:

Private dues* 2024 2024-2025-2026
Statutory 88€ 231€
Non Statutory (Etudiants, Post-Doc…..) 36 € 87 €

* Personal dues cannot be billed. A receipt will be sent to you after payment of your membership fee.

Professional dues** 2024 2024-2025-2026
Statutory 109 € 294 €
Non Statutory (Etudiants, Post-Doc…..) 46€ 111 €

** These amounts include the application fee. An invoice will be sent to you after payment.

Any member who has not paid his dues at the end of the year will lose its membership status, can no longer participate in SFI votes and decisions and is no longer able to register at preferential rates for SFI events.

SFI is committed to supporting immunologists residing and/or working in research laboratories located in emerging or crisis-stricken countries. Aware of the challenges immunologists face in such regions, we are pleased to offer free SFI membership.

Eligibility criteria:

– Residence and/or employment in a research laboratory located in an emerging or crisis-stricken country.

– Affiliation with at least one national immunology society or federation.

To take advantage of this offer, please provide proof of your residence or employment in the designated regions, as well as proof of your affiliation with a national immunology society or federation.

For any questions or membership inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]

Membership - Application - EN

Membership - Application - EN

Membership application form

Enter Email
Confirm Email
cancel1 check1 Eight characters minimum cancel1 check1 One lowercase letter cancel1 check1 One uppercase letter cancel1 check1 One number cancel1 check1 One special character
Phone mobile

Personal address

Street address
Street Address line 2
Street Address line 2

Work/study Information

This organisation will be displayed in your profile information.
This website will be displayed in your profile information.

About you

The information below is not mandatory. They will allow us to get to know you better and to suggest you as a speaker, during the organization of congresses, in which the SFI is involved (annual congress, ECI, ICI, ...)
Areas of Interest/Expertise
Club Affinity