Why a Neutrophil Club?

Interest in neutrophil biology has grown rapidly in recent years due to the discovery of new physiological roles for neutrophils and their involvement in various pathologies. Indeed, neutrophils have been implicated in autoimmunity, allergy, cancer pathophysiology and metabolic diseases. Their contribution to pathological processes goes well beyond the well-described pro-inflammatory role in infectious diseases and inflammation. Neutrophils therefore appear as innate immune cells with a broad immune-modulatory potential. Many aspects about neutrophil biology are still to be discovered and it is therefore critical to reevaluate neutrophil function, kinetics, fate and their potential to modulate immune responses in many pathological conditions.The objective of the Neutrophil Club is to foster collaborations, exchanges and facilitate the sharing of resources and protocols. The club therefore provides a platform to support research activities around the neutrophil, so that researchers and clinicians wishing to work on this fascinating cell type can meet more easily, from experts to new converts.

The club organizes regularly scientific encounters, with the goal to bring together French and European researchers interested in neutrophils, to stimulate discussions and set up multidisciplinary projects.

To join the club and to receive our news, please send an email to [email protected]

History of the Neutrophil Club

2014: Creation of the Neutrophil Club
Session at the SFI annual meeting (Lille, Nov 4-6, 2014)
2015: 1st meeting of the Neutrophil Club: (Paris, April 10th 2015).
2016: Organization of the Phagocyte Workshop of the European Society for Clinical Investigation (Paris, Apr 27-29, 2016)
2017: Session at the the SFI annual meeting (Reims, Nov 7-9, 2017)
2018: 2nd Neutrophil Club workshop
2020-21: Participation to the Virtual International Neutrophil2020 meeting in Edinburgh.
2022: Hope to plan for a the third Neutrophil Club workshop in presential.