With the help of private laboratories, the SFI assumes an educational role by:
Annual Technological Workshops, where the most advanced methods are taught by specialists to around thirty participants, selected for their motivation.
an Annual Course in Immunology, lasting 4 days, intended to publicize the most recent data in all areas of the discipline and to allow teachers of the discipline to perfect the content of their lessons. A large place is reserved for discussions between participants.

The Society Book contains information on international bodies, the list of members grouped by categories. It is the property of the Company and its use is strictly limited to members.
The Information Bulletin, published twice a year, links the members. It contains the minutes of the General Assemblies, the calendar of SFI events and brief scientific reports prepared by French immunologists.
Summaries of conferences and communications presented at SFI meetings are edited and distributed to participants. They are available to interested members who request them.

A website ( gathers all the necessary information. It contains announcements, registration and summary forms for SFI meetings, a bibliography, a calendar of international congresses, a section on job vacancies, announcements of awards, etc. moreover, the SFI regularly publishes new information (“Gazette”).

The French Society for Immunology allocates training grants to young members of the Society, thesis level, post-doc, to enable them to attend summer courses (FEBS, FASEB, EMBO, NATO), at Symposia limited participation themes (such as ENII, Keystone). For more information: SFI Grants