Assistant Professor Laboratoire d'inmmunologie cellulaire et biotechnologie (FR) Poste de maitre de conférence
Assistant Hospitalo-Universitaire Laboratoire d'Immunologie (FR) Assistant Hospitalo-Universitaire CHU Grenoble Alpes
Assistant Professor Institut for Advanced Biosciences (IAB) UGA Inserm 1209 CNRS 5309 (FR) Assistant Professor of Cell Biology and Immunology in Grenoble
Postdoc Integrative Analysis of T Cell Activation (FR) Post doc position Institut Curie/Claire Hivroz lab
Postdoc UMR1184 IMVA-HB/IDMIT (FR) Postdoctoral position on skin response to mosquito infectious bite and vaccine at IDMIT, CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
Postdoc Lab "Cancer Immune Surveillance & Therapeutic Targeting" (FR) A postdoctoral position in onco-immunology is available at the CRCL in Lyon
PhD Autophagy and Antiviral Ammunity (FR) Selective autophagy receptors in viral antigen presentation
Postdoc Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) - URU (FR) Postdoctoral position on gamma/delta T cells in bladder cancer at Lausanne University Hospital
Engineer Single Cell Biomarkers UTechS (FR) Permanent research engineer position at the scBiomarkers Technology Unit, Institut Pasteur