Why a mast cell and basophil club ?
Mast cells and basophils are best known for their key role during allergic responses. However, recent work indicates that mast cells and basophils play important functions in a much broader range of pathophysiological conditions: autoimmunity, cardiovascular diseases, host defense against pathogens,… The mechanisms through which mast cells and basophils mediate their functions in these disorders remain largely unknown.
The main goal of our club is to foster interactions between researchers and clinicians working on all aspects of mast cell and basophil biology. The club provides a platform for exchange of knowledge and protocols, and organizes regular meetings through which researchers and clinicians can interact and setup interdisciplinary collaborations.

To join the club and receive news, please send an email to the coordinator.

1st meeting of the French Mast Cell and Basophil Club
November 13, 2018, Institut Imagine, Paris, France
24 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015, Paris

Michel Arock
Ulrich Blank
Nicolas Charles
Nicolas Gaudenzio
Mei Li
Gaël Ménasché
Joana Vitte