The Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology (CR2TI, UMR 1064) is an academic research center (INSERM, Nantes Université) located at Nantes University Hospital (Nantes, France). CR2TI belongs to the « Immunotherapy graft oncology (IGO) » Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx). Research programs at CR2TI aim at improving disease knowledge, diagnosis and treatment in the context of organ and cell transplantation (Axis 1), inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (Axis 2) and infections (Axis 3).

Through basic, translational and clinical approaches, main goals at CR2TI are to: 1) Improve our understanding of disease-associated immune responses to identify new therapeutic targets; 2) Develop new immunotherapeutic and diagnostic strategies; 3) Develop alternative strategies for organ replacement and/or repair by leveraging progresses in developmental biology.

The CR2TI comprises 6 independent research teams, including 45 scientists with a permanent position and a total of 220 members. Cutting-edge facilities are available at CR2TI and include high-end technologies for single-cell analysis (single cell genomics, spectral flow cytometry and sorting), genome editing and animal models. Additional state-of-the-art core facilities (imaging, NGS, organoids..) are also available onsite and accessible to CR2TI members. In line with the disease-focused emphasis at CR2TI, programs are developed in close relationships with clinical departments at CHUN to foster competitive human-based research.

CR2TI is expanding and now seeking a talented junior group leader to implement a new ambitious research program falling into CR2TI main priorities. A particular attention will be paid but not limited to applications involving the fields of human immunology and immunopathology, system immunology, and/or computational biology.

Junior applicants with a postdoctoral experience ranging from 3-8 years will be particularly eligible. The starting-package at CR2TI will include dedicated laboratory space, a fully-funded PhD scholarship and resources for running costs. The applicant will receive personal mentoring to apply to national INSERM ATIP Avenir and ANR JCJC programs, tenure positions at INSERM and to secure local starting grant applications (NExT, Région Pays de la Loire). Applications from INSERM permanent researchers will also be considered.

The application material should include a CV with the full list of publications, a research statement, a summary of past achievements (2 pages), the research project (2 pages), and contact information for three referees. We are committed to fostering institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion at CR2TI by recruiting researchers from diverse backgrounds and lived experiences.

Further information and applications must be addressed to Pr Régis Josien ([email protected]).

Application deadline is October 30th, 2023.

A response to the application will be provided by November 30st and selected applicants will be invited on-site for oral interviews. Final offers are expected to be sent in February 2024. Installation is anticipated to occur in 2024-early 2025.

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