
    • Do not miss our next webinar focusing on clinical immunology topics, taking place on June 25th 2024 at 5pm on Zoom. We will be happy to host Pr. Laurent Mesnard (Hôpital Tenon, Paris) as well as Mathieu Fusaro (Infinity, Toulouse), who will share their work on transplantation and CD8 lymphopenia respectively. .

➤ Free registration here !


  • The next FCYI webinar that will focus on long-forgotten cells and their role in immune diseases will be taking place on 29th May 2024 at 5pm on Zoom.
    We thank Pierre Cunin (Boston’s Children Hospital, Boston, USA) as well as Claudine Blin (Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France) for sharing their work.

➤ Free registration here !




  • As every spring, we encourage all immunologists and everyone involved in the field to become an “ambassador for immunology” and to visit an elementary school around you to talk with kids about our amazing immune system (between now and the end of the 2024 school year).

➤ More information here !

  • To celebrate the International Day of Immunology, we are thrilled to invite you to our joint webinar together with the Hellenic Society of Immunology – Young ImmunologistsIt will focus on immune ageing and will be taking place on  April 30th 2024 at 4pm CET on Zoom.
    We will be joined by George Lioulos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) and Gaelle Autaa (Immunoconcept, Bordeaux, France) to share their work on clinical and fundamental aspects of immune ageing.

➤ Free registration here !



  • Do not miss our next webinar / podcast “Unlocking the power of Science Communicationon Mars 19th 2024 at 5pm CET on Zoom. We will be honored to host Elodie Chabrol (founder and director of the Pint of Science festival) as well as Gaia Jouanna (Project manager in science communication at Inserm).

➤ Free registration here !

  • We are thrilled to announce our next webinar on immune tolerance that will be taking place on February 20th 2024 at 5pm CET on Zoom.

We thank Louis-Marie Charbonnier (Boston Children’s Hospital), as well as Antoine Freuchet (La Jolla Institute, San Diego) and Morgane Hilaire (CIMI, Paris) for sharing their work.

➤ Free registration here !

  • We will be happy to start the new year with a career webinar dedicated to the “Concours chercheurs Inserm/CNRS“, taking place on January 16th 2024 at 5 pm CET. We will be joined by 2 members of INSERM and CNRS committees who will explain the different steps of the procedure, followed by a discussion with 2 recent awardees that will share their experiences.

We are very grateful to Thierry Walzer (CIRI, Lyon / Inserm CSS5), Romain Roncagalli (CIML, Marseille / CNRS Section 27), Carole Le Coz (Infinity, Toulouse), and Bérangère de Laval (CIML, Marseille) for participating to this interactive webinar.

➤ Free registration here !

  • The Day of Immunology (DOI) is arriving soon (29 avril), which is a good opportunity for us to encourage our members to talk about immunology with kids in schools during the spring 2023.

➤ More details here !

  • We presented our club and described our past, current and future projects in an article published in the European Journal Of Immunology in August 2021.

About us

Following the launch of the European network of young immunologists yEFIS, the French club of young immunologists was created in 2020 under the aegis of the SFI to bring together young scientists of French nationality or working in France in the field of immunology.

Club charter

Club rules and structure are indicated in the charter (availbale in french ➤ Charte FCYI)

Our missions

The FCYI (French Club of Young Immunologists) aims to:

  • Increase communication between young French immunologists (sharing of experiences, ideas…)
  • Connecting young and experienced immunologists
  • Promoting the place of young immunologists in France
  • To organize “Young Immunologists” sessions during the SFI annual congress, clubs, symposia, etc…
  • Organize scientific and social events, workshops…
  • Broaden interactions with other European groups of young immunologists.

How to join our club?

You are interested in joining the network and benefiting from its advantages? Register by filling out the following form:


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There is no age limit. However, you must have less than 10 years of experience after the last degree or after obtaining a permanent position.

You can be currently working in France or abroad, regardless of your nationality or position.

You must be a member of the French Society for Immunology (membership form). If you are up to date with your membership fees, there are many advantages, especially for young people:

  • Apply for SFI grants for immunology meetings or courses (national, European or international),
  • Apply for “EFIS-IL Short-term Fellowship” offered for a period of 3 months to young immunologists in the context of a collaboration carried out in a European laboratory,
  • Apply for the ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis Prizes and the ACTERIA Early Career Research Prizes,
  • Apply for the SFI PhD Award,
  • Participate in the “Best Doctoral Article” Award.

Social Networks

You can follow the club’s news and activities on social networks:

Twitter : @FCYImmuno

LinkedIn :

How to get more involved in the club ?

The FCYI club has organized itself into several poles for its creation and the implementation of activities. If you wish to participate in the organization of our activities, do not hesitate to send us an email to [email protected].

Webinar video recordings

If you are a current FCYI member (and connected with you account), you can watch replays of the following FCYI webinars:

23rd Webinar – French & Greek YI joint Webinar (Immune Ageing) 30-04-2024 :
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21st FCYI Webinar (Immune Tolerance) 20-02-2024 :
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20th FCYI Webinar (Concours CR inserm/cnrs) 16-01-2024 :
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15th FCYI webinar 15-12-2022:
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13th FCYI webinar 03-05-2022:
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12th FCYI webinar 12-04-2022:
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11th FCYI webinar 07-03-2022:
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10th FCYI webinar 01-02-2022:
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